
Final renewal day of this page is February 7, 2005  

English version   Exuvia of Epiophlebiidae    Egg-parasitoid wasp of Epiophlebia superstes   Miscellany description of Epiophlebia superstes    Egg of Epiophlebiidae    Epiophlebia superstes 2

As for Epiophlebiidae 1 species of Epiophlebia superstes is inhabiting in Japan.  Epiophlebia superstes is distributing it in the headwaters widely in Kinki area.

Epiophlebia superstes (Selys)

The length of Epiophlebia superstes is 4.5 cm to 5.3 cm.  The flight period of Epiophlebia superstes in Kinki area is from the end of April to mid June. 

Left photograph: Oviposition   Photograph of the right: Male in immediately before which starts out after emaergence